
StudioSilva S.r.l. has always worked together with highly qualified professional interdisciplinary teams. In addition to a large group of collaborators throughout the country, the Company presents an organizational structure able to develop and coordinate the activities in every area of work.
Antonella Tedesco@
Doctor of Science in Forestry
Environmental planning, environmental impact, protected areas, land planning.

Luca Naldi@
Surveys, environmental planning, GIS.

Gloria Marzocchi@
Doctor of Biological Sciences
Surveys, environmental planning, GIS.

Alessandro Pavan@
Landscape design, graphic design, urban planning.

Elisa Lalumera@
Landscape design, graphic design, 3D modeling, Rendering.

Alessia Zaffaroni@
Landscape designer
Graphic design.

Agostina Aldrovandi@
Administration Manager
Administration, Secretary